Kinseviing's commissions

Welcome to my humble store, wanderer!
Here you can check commission types, prices and TOS.
Commission Status:
@Xenovyrus - bust sketch
@Grid_Xenomorph - bust sketch


USD and any other currencies are acepted
following these two simple steps:
1. I will calculate and discuss with you the estimations
of the price in private as clear
as possible, to match the euros one.

(This way I won't face economical loses.)
2. With the final price in front of you
and answering any question you might have, you will decide then
if you want the comission; or changed your mind.
No compromise or judgement on my part.
Right now as I'm writting this (money value changes frecuently):
If the price of the commission is 200 euros, you would have to pay around 228.16 USD
Those are general estimations, like usual any details will be discussed
via DMs, you might ask as much info as you want.
This is a tool that might help you
in having an early estimation of prices in your currency:
Click here and check at the bottom of the page

Simple Bust Sketches

-Euros: 15
-USD/Other currency
equivalent price
Will do:
Animals, creatures, monsters, furry, mecha, robots, armored humanoids/humans with helmets, monster-like humanoids as well.
I won't do human faces

Rendered/painterly Portraits

-Euros: 100 (per character)
-USD/Other currency
equivalent price
+20 for complex designs or humans/humanoids
(theyre harder for me to draw)
Will do:
Humans, animals, fursonas, mechas, monsters and more.
Dragons included of course.

Sketch Fullbodies

-A version (top):
-Euros: 50
-USD/Other currency
equivalent price
-B version (under the first):
(always includes shading)
-Euros: 70 (per character)
-USD/Other currency equivalent price
+ currency change fee
+20 if the design is very complex (this applies per character as well)One, two or more characters, in dynamic poses and actions. Interacting between them.Will do:
Animals, creatures, monsters, furry, mecha, robots, armored humanoids/humans with helmets, monster-like humanoids as well.
I won't do human faces

Simple Fullbody

-Euros: 200
-USD/Other currency
equivalent price
+20 if the design is very complex
Full body commissions,
with cellshading, just like the example.
Always includes a simple background with it
and three versions:
-With and without powers/breath.
-With and without background.
In case of
complicated armors, or humans
it does not always include background,
always ask first.
Will do:
Animals, TTRPG/Fantasy
characters (humans too),
monsters/creatures, werebeasts or furries.

Full rendered illustration

-Euros:+600 to +3000 Euros
-USD/Other currency
equivalent price
(Depending A LOT on complexity and specially how many
characters tit features, you can consult how much it would cost without commiting to anything.)
Will do:
Any kind of character in this type of commission, human or not.

If you want to check more examples of my art check my portfolio.
You can also check my Twitter in case you want!

Terms of service:

I can draw any kind of animal, creature, monster versions of your character, humans, fursonas and more.-There are some requirements, I will ask for a visual reference,
this can be a link to your Toyhouse, a photo for inspiration + a description or a drawing from any website!
-I wont draw extreme gore, for many reasons.
I can do mild gore, I'm comfortable with blood, scars and unflattering monsters and bones, but not injuries showing muscle, organs etc.
-I can do certain types of nsfw (as in spicy/sexy/sexual stuff) but you have to ask first.I only do it sometimes, it's more expensive than sfw and I reserve myself the right to say refuse solicited commission for ANY reason. If it gets cancelled you will have a refund following the ordinary commission rules down in the TOS.-I will of course refuse to draw anything harmful like feral nsfw, minor looking characters being sexualized, anything that promotes hate or discrimination, etc.-I will also ask for upfront payment, half is the minimum. But I will only ask for it when I start the sketch.
You can monitor my process asking for updates any time you want.
How much do I have to wait?
-I take around 7-13 days per portrait and fullbody, sometimes I work and deliver faster, specially when comes to portraits.
In case of a full rendered illustration I might take between 1-2 months.
There is a waitlist I actualize every time I finish one piece
on the top of the page. Feel free to ask for more art examples anytime.
-You can get a spot on the waitlist by messaging me on twitter.------------------------------------------------
The work is divided in three stages: sketch, wip and finished.
Once I get to you on the list I will send you a message and a form to fill with character details, what poses you want, your paypal mail for the invoice, etc.
-You can ask for 3 major changes in the sketch phase,
pose, anatomy, anything, basically, even change the character.
-In the wip phase I will change up to 2-4 minor things for you,
adding this or that, maybe a decor for you, changing expression and stuff, depending on how big the changes are.
-In the almost finished/finished phase I'll change up to two minor things o maybe three that do not incur in a lot of work, for example: adding a flower on the chara's ear.This is an aproximation, take that into account. You can ask for more changes for an extra fee.You do not bother me by asking, I will always be there to answer
any question regardless of if you're currently commission me, are planning to or not commiting to anything.
What do I do if I wanna cancel a Commission?
-If you're in the sketch stage or even before,
you just have to ask me and it will be canceled
free of charge/ completely refunded :)
This does not apply if it is a sketch commission. Those may only be canceled/refunded before starting.
-If it's on the wip phase,
it will cost you from the 10% to the 70% of the piece's cost,
depending on how far the work is from its completition.
-If it's finished it cannot be cancelled,
you will have to pay it's full cost, sorry.
-The pricing is subject to change with the demand, also with very complex characters.
What happens if I'm in the waitlist when a change of pricing occurs?
-Nothing, nothing at all, if you asked for a spot on the waitlist
before the price raised you will be charged the old one.
If you ask for another commission after that, then it will be under the
new price, though.

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